Facebook Ads Interests for Baking

Explore a detailed list of Facebook Ads interests related to Baking. Find relevant audience segments, categorized by industry and interest type, to help you tailor your ad campaigns and reach the right audience effectively.

Interest Estimated Audience Size Path Topic
Baking mix 1087695 ~ 1279130 Interests / Additional interests / Baking mix
Baking powder 13101598 ~ 15407480 Interests / Additional interests / Baking powder Food and drink
Buckingham Palace 2588435 ~ 3044000 Interests / Additional interests / Buckingham Palace Travel, places and events
Marcus Buckingham 72270 ~ 84990 Interests / Additional interests / Marcus Buckingham People
Molding (process) 9882168 ~ 11621430 Interests / Additional interests / Molding (process)
We Love Baking 171342 ~ 201499 Interests / Additional interests / We Love Baking Food and drink
Baking 356463045 ~ 419200542 Interests / Food and drink / Cooking / Baking Food and drink

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