Facebook Ads Interests for E Books

Explore a detailed list of Facebook Ads interests related to E Books. Find relevant audience segments, categorized by industry and interest type, to help you tailor your ad campaigns and reach the right audience effectively.

Interest Estimated Audience Size Path Topic
Free-eBooks 87431 ~ 102820 Interests / Additional interests / Free-eBooks
Information Today, Inc. 1465807 ~ 1723790 Interests / Additional interests / Information Today, Inc.
Kobo Inc. 2922831 ~ 3437250 Interests / Additional interests / Kobo Inc. Business and industry
Open eBook 27984 ~ 32910 Interests / Additional interests / Open eBook Technology
E-books 366680399 ~ 431216150 Interests / Entertainment / Reading / E-books Technology
E-book readers 45626557 ~ 53656832 Interests / Technology / Consumer electronics / E-book readers Technology

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