Facebook Ads Interests for Sculpture

Explore a detailed list of Facebook Ads interests related to Sculpture. Find relevant audience segments, categorized by industry and interest type, to help you tailor your ad campaigns and reach the right audience effectively.

Interest Estimated Audience Size Path Topic
Art & Sculpture 161268 ~ 189652 Interests / Additional interests / Art & Sculpture News and entertainment
Bust (sculpture) 513384 ~ 603740 Interests / Additional interests / Bust (sculpture) Hobbies and activities
Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden 59447 ~ 69910 Interests / Additional interests / Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden Hobbies and activities
Marble sculpture 230909 ~ 271550 Interests / Additional interests / Marble sculpture News and entertainment
Mobile (sculpture) 1432372 ~ 1684470 Interests / Additional interests / Mobile (sculpture) Hobbies and activities
Monumental sculpture 52295 ~ 61500 Interests / Additional interests / Monumental sculpture Hobbies and activities
Sculpture garden 227372 ~ 267390 Interests / Additional interests / Sculpture garden Hobbies and activities
Wire sculpture 324812 ~ 381980 Interests / Additional interests / Wire sculpture Shopping and fashion
Wood carving 14326607 ~ 16848090 Interests / Additional interests / Wood carving Business and industry
Sculpture 132166649 ~ 155427980 Interests / Arts and music / Sculpture Hobbies and activities

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